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Aktuelle Beiträge über die Akupunktur nach Meister Tong für Therapeuten

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Literaturliste zum Thema Master Tong  (ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit):

  1. Myriam Lee: Master Tong´s acupuncture; an ancient alternative style in modern clinical practice. Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, 1998
  2. Young, Wei Chieh: Lectures on Tung' s acupuncture: points study  American Chinese Medical Center, 2008
  3. Young, Wei Chieh: Lectures on Tung´s acupuncture: therapeutic system                   American Chinese Medical Center, 2008
  4. Young, Wei Chieh: illustrated Tung´s acupuncture points, American Chinese Medical Center 2006
  5. Palden Carson: Tung´s orthodox aupuncture. A genuine ancient art of healing    Lien Ho Press, Taipei 1988
  6. James H.Maher: Advanced Tung Style acupuncture: The Dao-Ma Needling technique of Master Tung Ching-Chang
  7. James H.Maher: Advanced Tung Style acupuncture: Obstetrics and Gynecology
  8. James H.Maher: Advanced Tung Style acupuncture: Neprhrology and Andrology
  9. James H.Maher: Advanced Tung Style acupuncture: Anesthesiology and Pain Management
  10. James H.Maher: Advanced Tung Style acupuncture: Neurology
  11. Henry McCann, Hans-Georg Ross: Practical Atlas of Tung´s Acupuncture; Müller und Steinicke , 2012
  12. Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan, Stephen C. Rush: twenty-four more in acupuncture; unique point combinations and applications for pain management, San Diego, USA, 2003
  13. Dr. Chuan-Min Wang: introduction to Tung's acupuncture; Chinese Tung Acupuncture institute publications, Lombard Illinois, 2013
  14. Henry Mc Cann: pricking the vessels, singing dragon publication, London and Philadelphia, 2014
  15. Brad Wishant, Deborah Bleeker: Mastering Tong Acupuncture, Draycott Publishing 2015, LCC
  16. Brad Wishant, Deborah Bleeker: Top Tung Acupuncture points, Draycott Publishing 2015, LCC
  17. Brad Wishant, Deborah Bleeker: Treat Back Pain Distally, Draycott Publishing 2015, LCC
  18. Zombolas, Theodore.: Tung acupuncture: a quick reference guide, MCY, LCC, 2009
  19. Deborah Bleecker:Tung Acupuncture Points: reference guide; Draycott Publishing, LLC (11. Dezember 2018)
  20. Dr. Calvin Chien: Master Tong Acupuncture Book, self publisher, 2019
  21. Robert Chu Phd, l: The best of Master Tung’s acupuncture: A clinical guide;
    CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1.1 Edition (2014)